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FAQs | The Torah Quest - Baltimore

Your Guide to the Torah Quest: All Your Questions Answered! Enjoy this fun and inspiring treasure hunt and carnival in Baltimore.

Meir avatar
Written by Meir
Updated over a week ago
  1. Do I need a car for the Quest?

    Yes! The Quest takes place on Reisterstown Road and Park Heights Avenue between Seven Mile Market and the Park Heights JCC. See map for exact locations.

  2. Can I earn prizes?

    Of course! Prizes will be awarded at every Quest location as a participant answers questions related to Torah Live videos.

    Every Quest participant who completes the Quest and hands in their map at the Park Heights JCC completes the Quest!

    Participants who answer bonus questions will get raffle tickets for additional prizes that will be raffled off at the JCC carnival. 🎉

  3. Do I need to be a Torah Live member to join the Quest?

    Nope! Not necessary.

    That said, we’d love for you to enjoy our free videos & games!

    Create your free account at to access some videos watched and loved by tens of thousands of Jewish kids across the globe.

  4. What time does the Quest start and end?

    You can begin the Quest anytime between 1:00 and 2:15 PM. The Quest locations will remain open until 3:00 PM, to give all participants enough time to complete the Quest.

  5. What happens if we don’t finish the Quest in time?

    If you’re not finished by 3:00 PM, our team will help you so you can join the spectacular carnival with everyone else.

  6. How will Torah Live know when I've completed the Quest?

    When you’ve successfully submitted your answers at each location, you’ll get a snazzy stamp from a Torah Quest volunteer. Once you’ve earned a stamp for all 5 locations, you’ve completed The Quest!

  7. What time is the carnival part?

    Ahoy, mateys! The Quest carnival is from 2:30 - 4:00 PM at the Park Heights JCC.

  8. Will their food throughout the Quest?

    Participants will receive a snack and treat along the way, but best to eat lunch before you Quest.

  9. If I didn't join the Quest, can I still come for the carnival?

    Absolutely! We’d love to see you at the Quest, but you’re invited to join just the carnival.

    There is a $5 suggested donation for children age 3+ who join the carnival without participating in the Torah Quest.

  10. What happens at the carnival?

    It’s gonna be an hour and a half of wholesome fun (so everyone sleeps well that night).


    • Moonbounces

    • Prizes

    • Basketball games

    • Balloon animals

    • Face painting

    • Creative projects

    • Did we say prizes?

  11. What is Torah Live?

    Torah Live is a Jewish educational platform that hosts hundreds of content-rich videos that have kids around the world begging for “just one more”. Backed by HaRav Yitzchak Berkovits, shlitah, Torah Live combines the magic of technology with the timelessness of Torah. Check it out for yourself at

  12. How can I donate?

    We appreciate your support! You can donate here to continue inspiring 132,000+ Jewish kids worldwide with fresh, engaging, and exciting Torah lessons.

    Yasher koach! 🙏

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