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Custom Avatars 🎨

Torah Live artists are thrilled to announce a new feature for Premium users! Get your very own avatar based on a picture of you.

Meir avatar
Written by Meir
Updated over a month ago

Did you watch our behind the scenes video ? here's how you can get your own avatar just like David!

First, make sure your on our Premium subscription plan, if you're not yet, what are you waiting for? Upgrade here.

Step 1 - Upload your Image 👦

Upload your selfie, from the avatar picker which you can find on your dashboard or profile settings page, make sure it's high quality and features only yourself, best if it's on a clear background, note you can only request ONE AVATAR so make it good... upload your image in PNG or JPEG format and no more than 12mb.

Step 2 - Torah Live Magic✨

Nice! We got it, now our artists will work on your avatar, stay tuned and we'll email you or your parent when it's ready.

Step 3 - Make it Live!

Ready! Head back to the avatar picker and select your new avatar!

Message us and let us know how you like it :)

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