Badges on Torah Live aren’t just shiny digital stickers; they're a way to showcase your creativity, hard work, and personal achievements. They're our high-five to you for adding your special touch to the Torah Live community. Here’s how you can earn them:
Be Creative:
When you submit a project for a challenge that's all kinds of awesome, it catches our eye. We're talking about the kind of work that makes you say, "Wow, I did that?!"
Work Hard:
We notice when you're giving it your all. It's not just about getting it right; it's about putting your heart into it. That effort? Badge-worthy for sure!
Get Noticed by Torah Live Staff:
Our eagle-eyed team is always on the lookout for standout contributions. When they spot yours, they'll be ready to award you a well-deserved badge.
Remember, each badge tells a story – your story – of a challenge met and a job well done. So go ahead, get creative, give it your all, and let's fill up that badge board together! 🏆