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Students with learning challenges

Here is Torah Live being used in Camp Kaylie for kids with developmental challenges and in a special class at B'nos Yisroel of Baltimore.

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Written by Yisroel
Updated over 7 months ago

Can Torah Live be used for students with learning challenges?


Here is Torah Live being used in Camp Kaylie for kids with developmental challenges (for several summers now!):

Mrs. Loni Goldman who had taught at B'nos Yisroel of Baltimore, shared with us some the ways she had used Torah Live with her class that was geared for students with learning challenges:

I am using torah live in a small classroom of 4 students who have learning differences. The girls are very much benefiting from visually seeing the different halachos and hashkafos come alive! I am showing the videos and focusing on getting the girls accustomed to note taking after our discussions.

In addition, I supplement the videos with different games, assignments, etc..

For example for the Melacha of BorerI had the girls create different centers of real life Borer possibilities and then they needed to figure out if the scenario was Borrer and if it was how would they would deal with it..

For the Maaser series- the girls created their own "fake income" and had to figure out how much maser they would have to give. We also wrote a journal about how it would feel to collect door to door for something.. the girls

created a budget and a cause they had to collect for and wrote about the experience it would be to actually do that.. I also brought in an article about the Burts Bees company and how they discovered the mitzvah of giving Maaser their company started to finally succeed financially..

For Toiveling utensils I plan on taking them to the toiveling mikva and having them practice what we learned.


Kashrus- we did real scenarios in a jeopardy game and for the kosher Animals- we played Tabboo describing diff kosher and non kosher animals and fish..

All across the world, there are many schools that are using Torah Live for students with learning challenges. Sign up TODAY for FREE!!!

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