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Shul Program - Asher Yatzar Bracha

This wonderful program is from the Torat Moshe Shul in London. It started off with the participants viewing the Asher Yatzar video series.

Yisroel avatar
Written by Yisroel
Updated over 6 months ago

This wonderful program is from the Torat Moshe Shul in London:

The program started off with the participants viewing the Asher Yatzar series:

Followed up with a "Thank You Hashem" activity:

Coloring time with a Rabbi Siddur Asher Yaztar coloring page!!!

And the kids also received a Torah Live "Certificate of Completion"!

Are you interested in doing a Torah Live program in your shul/organization/classroom and in need of help or ideas? Please send us a message in the chat🙋‍♂️

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