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Tu B'Shvat - Lesson Plan #2

The student will learn the meaning of the celebration of Tu B'Shvat and the minhag of eating fruits from Eretz Yisrael on this day.

Yisroel avatar
Written by Yisroel
Updated over 6 months ago

Lesson Plan #2 (for lesson plan #1 please click here)

In the Wisdom in Creation course overview page, there's a little feature at the bottom under "Premium Content", please click on "Presentation Materials"

You will see two items - a presentation and a teacher instructor guide for how to facilitate the presentation - without the instructor guide you will not be able to use the presentation:

Open the instructor guide and there you will have the lesson objectives for the presentation:

The instructor guide will walk you through in how to teach the presentation. This is a slide from the presentation:

This is from the instructor guide:

You might be wondering: Where's the video on Wisdom in Creation?

No worries!

The video is hosted in the presentation and divided into two parts. There's a build up before each video and activity ideas that you can do with your students in the classroom!

Happy Tu B'Shvat!

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