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Class Activity Idea - Prophecies

What prophecy is most meaningful to you? Why has our generation of the last 100 years merited to see so many prophecies come true?

Yisroel avatar
Written by Yisroel
Updated over 6 months ago

The Torah Live course on Prophecies Revealed is a meaningful series that enables the student to connect to both the past and the future of the Jewish people and to see how the words of the Torah and our nevi'im (prophets) are true.

For this lesson activity, I would recommend for Value and Premium members to click on the "Presentation Materials" in the Premium Content section and open up the instructor guide for Prophecies Revealed:

In this instructor guide, you have 10 prophecies that you can review with your students:

One idea that you can do is to print out the p'sukim for each prophecy and hand them out to half of the class. To the other half of the class, hand out visuals that represent each of the p'sukim that was handed out to the other half of the class.

For example:

Student A receives this:

Student B receives this:

Once all of the cards are handed out, the students have to find their match and stand next to them. Each pair should explain what their pasuk means and the visual that's associated with it.

You can then follow up with a few questions:

  1. What revealed prophecy is the most meaningful to you and why?

  2. Why do you think our generation of the last 100 years has merited to see so many prophecies come true?

  3. Now that we know that so many prophecies have come true, how should this be reflected in our day to day activities?

That's it for today😉 there's so much more that we can do here for our students!

If you're teaching this series in your classroom, we'd love to hear from you!

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