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Parents Quick Start Guide

Torah Live is here to support you as you embark on a journey with your children in the world of Torah Live. Let's begin!

Yisroel avatar
Written by Yisroel
Updated over 6 months ago

Welcome parents to Torah Live!

Torah Live is here to support you as you embark on a journey with your children in the world of Torah Live. Let's begin!

1: Setting Up a Parent Account

On your dashboard, choose "Parent" account:

2: Setting Up a Family Account:

Now it's time to setup a family account!

Click "Add family members"

Add your family members name and gender and check the box at the bottom left and click on complete:

Please note: Family members share the same login details to the account as the parent.

To switch between profiles - click on the avatar at the top right of the dashboard and then click on "Switch Profile"

And choose the profile of your choice:

Mazel Tov! Let the Torah Live experience begin!

3: Dashboard Overview

Here is an overview of what the dashboard looks like:

Here you will be able to track your family learning:

Here you can track your level and points in the platform:

This is the "Dinar Bank" - once every 24 hours you can open the chest and collect a half of dinar. Learn more about dinarim.

This is the badges section. Learn more about them here.

This is the "Real World Impact". To learn more about the RWI and The Impact Store.

At the top left of the dashboard you'll find these links to the Dashboard, Video Courses, Challenges and Games.

You're all set! If you have any questions, please drop us a note in the chat.

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